The company Millennium Team was the first to start construction work of a wastewater treatment plant within the general project “Clean Serbia” in the Republic of Serbia. A new wastewater treatment plant is being built in the municipality of Svrljig, which will solve one of the most important current environmental and urban problems, and which will preserve the Svljiški Timok River and the environment.
The facility will treat wastewater from the territory of the entire municipality of Svrljig, and the facility capacity population equivalent is 7,000. Wastewater treatment will be carried out according to the latest European standards, after which completely clean water will be released into the Svljiški Timok river.
The facility will use the SBR Technologies and thereby will have 2 SBR Reactors, an equalization pool, a tank for excess sludge, an administrative building, a technical facility, access roads and other facilities that will make up the entire facility. It is expected that the works will be completed by the end of this year, which is in accordance with the planned and contracted deadline.
In parallel with the works on the new plant, the company Millennium Team in Svrljig is nearing the end of the works on the new sewage network.
The project “Clean Serbia” is implemented by the Ministry of Construction, Transportation and Infrastructure, and it is financed by the Republic of Serbia. Millennium Team, in cooperation with a Chinese company CRBC within the project “Clean Serbia”, designs and performs works in four cities Kučevo, Vranje, Svrljig and Varvarin. Less than 60% of the population of our country is currently connected to the sewage system, with less than 10% of sewage being treated at plants. Implementing this project will solve the problem, which will increase the level of construction of sewage and wastewater treatment systems in Serbia.