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Millennium Team – a platinum friend of the Faculty of Civil Engineering

Millennium Team company supported the Faculty of Civil Engineering of the University of Belgrade in their vision to provide and renovate classrooms. In this way, the company provided its contribution to current and future students gaining knowledge in better conditions at the Faculty. The Sponsorship Agreement, which will provide part of the funds for the […]

Stojan Vujko elected President of the Assembly of SD Crvena Zvezda

Stojan Vujko, General Manager of Millennium Team, has been elected the new President of the Assembly of SD Crvena Zvezda. Stojan Vujko is not only a successful businessman, whose company has nurtured the concept of corporate social responsibility since its founding, and has made a great contribution by participating in numerous humanitarian actions aimed at […]

Stojan Vujko makes first move at FIDE Grand Prix 2022

Stojan Vujko, general manager of our company Millennium Team, made the first move at the semi-finals of the FIDE Grand Prix tournament in Belgrade, in the match between Anish Giri (Russia) and Dmitry Andreikin (FIDE). Millennium Team continues to operate with corporate social responsibility and to support the community it does business in, among other […]

Millennium Team to implement Clean Serbia project in Vranje, Svrljig, Varvarin and Kučevo

Manje od 60% stanovništa naše zemlje trenutno je priključeno na kanalizacioni sistem. Ovaj problem rešiće se implementacijom projekta „Čista Srbija“ čime će se povećati nivo izgrađenosti kanalizacije i sistema za prečišćavanje otpadnih voda u Srbiji. Kompanija Millennium Team u partnerstvu sa kineskom kompanijom CRBC pokrenula je projekat izgradnje komunalne infrastrukture u Vranju, Vrvarinu, Svrljigu i […]

Donation of Millennium Team to the Eighth Belgrade High School

Millennium Team donated school accessories worth RSD 600,000 to the students and professors of the Eighth Belgrade High School. This valuable donation, made up of five TVs for presentations and lectures and 25 whiteboards, will ensure smoother school work and more efficient teaching. “The use of multimedia tools in teaching enables a significantly more efficient […]