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Engineering Facilities

Construction of residential and office buildings within the „Belgrade Waterfront“ project

– Kula Beograd – Millennium Team in a consortium with an Italian company Pizzarotti, constructed the tallest building in the entire Belgrade, Kula Belgrade – Belgrade Waterfront.  The height of the constructed structure is a total of 168m with 42 floors. The project began in 2018.
– Metropolitan – As part of a joint venture with the company Roberts Constructions, Millennium Team participated in the construction of one of the residential buildings within the BW project. These are two 17-floor buildings with over 300 residential units. The works started in 2020 and the first of the two buildings was completed in 2022. Preparation of taking-over documentation for the building is underway.




Beograd na vodi d.o.o.

Type of Service

Execution of works on the construction of residental and office buildings


2018 – in progress.

Construction of facilities for the realization of the International Specialized Exhibition EXPO Belgrade 2027

Engineering Facilities

Construction of the National Football Stadium with accompanying facilities

Engineering Facilities

Center for Inclusive Child Care

Engineering Facilities

Landscaping of BW Kula withing the „Belgrade Waterfront“ project

Engineering Facilities